Coward Chapter 2

Chapter 2: The Compound Jeffery and Mam followed Brigit in the truck for a while, gliding in the trees behind it. Brigit did not look at them as she watched the trees pass from the passenger seat. The two men with the equipment with food and strange snares Brigit was…

Coward Chapter 1

Chapter 1: Two Birds             Brigit’s mother picked her up in her jaws and ran from death. Terror stained the air with the putrid smell of sweat. Crunches of branches underfoot grew louder and ever louder behind them. The hot sun pushed through the bramble of branches overhead, and birds…

October Is Here

October’s Here October’s here and so is the best time of the year! The leaves change, the wind smells of cider and pumpkin, and, best of all, Halloween! Finally we can go out like ourselves! This is the only time of year we can use our Gifts in public—to an…

To All Rats

Warning to the Rats All air ducts now have cameras, motion sensors, and alarm systems. There is little tolerance for your pranks and you will be put into detention if you are found trying to pull a prank. You guys suck. (But not you, Jannette, you’re pretty cool.)    …

WWA New Record

New Record in Winterwood S.S. Program!             We are excited to announce a new record in the school’s survival simulation program! Set by Katara Baneswing, Class 1, she has now defeated Jason Tritan’s previous record of 24 minutes! When asked about the win, Ms. Baneswing simply shrugged and said, “I…