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Aren’t you afraid of how far you’ll fly if you jump? What a silly question. Of course I am.


Aren’t you scared of failing? Aren’t you scared of climbing up this mountain only to fall off it? To plummet below and find yourself broken at the bottom, unable to even stand? Do you fear the rocks that bite into your hands, the missteps that cause you to stumble? As…


When I learned about marital sex, I was afraid. A lifetime of partnership hindered by moments of discomfort and disgust. I knew it was expected of both individuals. I knew I would be expected to submit. I figured if I could survive the wedding night, the rest of the years…

Blood Draws

I’ve never enjoyed blood draws. The idea of something piercing through your skin and stabbing into a vein supposedly protected makes my head spin and my stomach drop. It’s hard for me to lay still when I know what’s coming. The jab, the bite, the horrible, sinking feeling as my…

On Anger

Two days ago, my mother asked me if I thought I was aggressive when I stepped away from a man who invaded my personal space. I said yes, I probably had been, but if he was a good man he would understand I was uncomfortable. She said she worried she…