When To Hire Beta Readers

Beta readers are some of the most useful and incredible people available for a writer to have on their side. These readers give incredible insight and help an author perfect the story they’ve been working on – so when do you start looking to bring beta readers in on your…

How To Write What Scares You

Creativity demands a certain amount of bravery, especially when that creative chooses to share their work with the world – or even part of the world. So knowing how scary it is, why then, would anyone choose to push that further, and write about things that scare them?

The Abusive Muse Essay

Lauren Hemphill 4/9/18 Artistic Statement             The reason this particular essay was written for my final assignment is due to, in part, Virginia Woolf and our discussion in class about her mental health and the issues she faced in a world that did not understand. As a writer myself who…


            I could not go to work today.             It is not anything new. It is not surprising. Each day I wake with pain and gauge how much I can handle. Often, it is rocks against my shoulders, glass mixed inside my intestines. Or it is hot irons, molten shards…

On Anger

Two days ago, my mother asked me if I thought I was aggressive when I stepped away from a man who invaded my personal space. I said yes, I probably had been, but if he was a good man he would understand I was uncomfortable. She said she worried she…