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            I could not go to work today.             It is not anything new. It is not surprising. Each day I wake with pain and gauge how much I can handle. Often, it is rocks against my shoulders, glass mixed inside my intestines. Or it is hot irons, molten shards…

Ribs and Wombs

On April 17, 2020, Posted by , In Nonfiction, By ,,,,, , With No Comments

Content Warning: Gore, Bodily Harm A previous piece, somewhat linked to this one.               There’s a lot of hurt there, between my ribs. I’ve known it for years, and have listened to it fest and churn, to eat away the cartilage, suck out the marrow, and crack the bones…

A Guide to the Perfect Cup of Tea

A guide to a perfect cup of tea   The most important aspect of this is to wake up. You must not be sleeping when making your cup of tea, instead you need to rouse yourself from your bed and pull your tired body out from beneath the blankets that…

Religion’s Womb

[Rough Draft] Religion’s Womb             At nine o’clock at night, I sat up shaking. Tears chocked my airways, blurred my vision, made my hands look unreal. My mind sat back, separated as I watched myself clutch my chest, hoping to find a way to clear my lungs, to breathe again….

I met you once

I met a woman at a familial wedding. She dominated the room she entered with the sheer weight of unspoken knowledge. Experience filled her eyes but kept it’s lines from her face, Allowing a depth of gaze without wisdom’s claws pulling down against her flesh. She was wrapped in dignity,…