An Unkindness

As Mother and I walked out of the zoo and through the parking lot, I glanced down a row to see an unkindness of ravens perched atop a white car. The harsh Oregon sun glistened on their ebony feathers as the dozen ruffled their feathers and snickered amongst themselves. Their…


The coyotes come out earlier each night. Sometimes I swear they’re just outside my window, calling out for me to join them. They yip and howl, beckoning me closer to the edge of reckless abandon. And as I close my eyes, I find peace in their loud requests for company….

What It’s Like To Be A Daughter [snippet]

A small snippet of the piece I’m currently working on for my non-fiction class. Please be advised: this scene is sorta graphic. I used to read books about a young woman in the old pioneer days, who had her own ship and sailed around, discovering things and narrowly avoiding being…