Winter Publishing

Harvest 2: Nightmares Preview

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Harvest 2: Nightmares Preview

CONTENT WARNING: This post contains gore.


Katara stood in the center of the forest, her eyes scanning the area around her. The dark wood seemed to remind her of something as its cool colors blended into her mind: she didn’t have eyes. As if in response, her eyes burned and drooled out of their sockets allowing Katara one last glimpse of colors she would not see forevermore.

The forest was split in two around her, cut by a small ravine and slanting the hills on either side of it. The trees stood tall but lacked much life as cobwebs swung from the branches and moss hung low alongside them. A fog crept upon the edges of the bark and its chill nipped the heels of Katara. As she felt heavy balls roll down her cheeks with liquid pouring from her eye sockets, the sight imprinted itself in her mind. Her waves of white lines spread from her feet and her eyes tumbled onto the ground with a sickening plump. She stepped over them and walked down the small ravine that cracked the forest, the fog grabbing at her legs and pleading her to stay. But she was oblivious, because she could not see.

Katara continued to walk in an effort to find her escape from the forest of dark-barked trees and cobwebs that suffocated her from time to time. The brush underfoot crunched as bones and the soft ground reminded her of a ground moist with blood. She shivered, only to find her next step against a true bone. It snapped and her foot touched the blood that was underneath.

She lept back, her shoe plated with a layer of blood on its sole. As she fell back from her recoil, her foot landed on yet another bone. The twigs and soft ground of before were no more; bones and blood now covered the ground in a mess of ivory and crimson. She shivered and carefully moved herself through the graveyard as decaying parts accompanied her. With a misstep on her way around bones, her shoe smashed against something that spewed liquid. She jumped back, landing once more on more skeletal remains.

Eyes. She had just stepped on eyes.


Pretty gross, huh? Nightmares has, you guessed it, nightmares. Katara’s nightmares aren’t pleasant, either.

The dreams hold the truth.

The dreams hold the path.

Unless she can find her sight,

She will never stand to fight.

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